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Prozessfinanzierung up to date

Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden über die neuesten Entwicklungen im Bereich der Prozessfinanzierung.

Third Party Litigation Finance and its Impact on the Bankruptcy Industry

Litigation finance’s presence in the bankruptcy industry is in its early stages. However, given the overall size of capital that litigation funders control and how this capital is deployed across case types, its presence in the marketplace will continue to expand -- particularly as the market becomes more familiar with the process, funders grow comfortable with investing in the distressed debt market, and the pace of corporate filings increase in the next economic downturn.

DC Circ. Int'l Arb. Ruling Leaves Award Holders In Legal Limbo

On Aug. 16, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issued an opinion widely anticipated in the international arbitration and award enforcement communities, involving numerous disputes between the Kingdom of Spain and renewable energy investors from other European nations. In its ruling in NextEra Energy Global Holdings BV v. Kingdom of Spain, the D.C. Circuit provided a glimmer of hope that award holders might succeed in U.S. courts — at least from a technical legal standpoint. At the same time, the court lit a path for foreign sovereigns to render any such victories economically meaningless.

The Recovery Campaign: Combining Asset Tracing and Judgment Enforcement to Get Results

After years of hard-fought litigation, most claimants are thrilled to obtain a final and enforceable judgment or arbitration award. However, more often than one thinks, this excitement is followed by the disappointing realization that the defendant has little interest in voluntarily satisfying the award. This article explores how a judgment creditor might consider creating an enforcement strategy by leveraging an asset trace report. While the research focuses on identifying assets, the ultimate strategy requires a thoughtful engagement between asset tracers and counsel—often across multiple jurisdictions—to achieve success.