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Omni Bridgeway finanziert Prozesse und unterstützt bei der Durchsetzung von Ansprüchen. Wir begleiten unsere Kunden vom Verfahrensbeginn bis zur Vollstreckung und sind weltweit für sie vor Ort.

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Erfolgreiche Prozesse erfordern Fachwissen, Einsatz und Geschick. Unser Team bietet all diese Erfolgsfaktoren, um Ihre Ansprüche effizient zu realisieren. Wir sind einfallsreicher und zuverlässiger Partner für Einzelkläger, Unternehmen, Anwälte und Berater, die strategische Finanzlösungen suchen.


Prozessfinanzierung up to date

Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden über die neuesten Entwicklungen im Bereich der Prozessfinanzierung.

Enforcement Case of the Month -- LLC You In Court: Recent Second Circuit Decision Affirms New York Law’s Creditor-Friendly Approach to Seizing LLC Membership Interests

Stubborn judgment debtors routinely look for ways to delay or increase the cost of collection. Aided by a vibrant “asset protection” industry in certain U.S. jurisdictions, they frequently turn to LLCs in those jurisdictions to retain the benefit of their property while shielding it from creditors, hoping that enforcement courts will defer to those states’ LLC acts and prevent turnover of membership interests. But a recent decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit provides some reason for optimism that, at least for debtors subject to personal jurisdiction in New York, these corporate shell games may not be entertained by courts in America’s financial hub.

The In-House View -- Litigation Funding and Corporate Insolvency: What In-House Counsel Need to Know

In-house legal counsel are key members of corporate teams and are often responsible for managing credit and insolvency related risks faced by their organizations. Particularly when insolvency and litigation risks converge, in house lawyers play a critical role in helping corporations make strategic decisions to optimize value. The following cases demonstrate how funding can provide unique and flexible solutions for both debtors with affirmative litigation claims and creditors with claims against insolvent corporations.

Not just Class Actions: Dispute Finance adding value to Australian Corporate Transactions

In Australia, dispute finance has long been associated with class actions and access to justice. However, a paradigm shift is underway as well-heeled corporates begin to recognise the broader applications of dispute finance, particularly how it can be used as a sophisticated corporate finance and risk management tool.