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Using dispute finance to derisk recoverability in the construction sector

Construction disputes are often complicated, costly and slow to resolve. For long-suffering claimants, the expectation is that the short-term financial pain will be “worth it” when they finally win an award. But what happens when the respondent doesn’t pay?

How Would You Like to Pay for That?

In this article, Paul Rand discusses how choosing the right financing approach for a legal dispute can shape litigation strategy and drive business growth impacting a company’s cashflow, risk profile, and business operations.

Optimizing high stakes commercial claims for success

In this article, Paul Rand shares four over-arching themes that are constants in successful claims: the calibre of the legal team, clarity on goals and strategy, alignment of stakeholders and communication.

Webuilding Barriers to Enforcement: Ontario Court adds further hurdle to international enforcement of arbitral award

This article sets out the latest development in the global attempts to enforce the arbitral award in Sociedad Concesionaria Metropolitana de Salud S.A. v. Webuild S.P.A.

Quebec Court of Appeal Clarifies Path for Enforcement Against Foreign State: India’s Immunity Rejected and IATA Seizure Reinstated

A significant recent judgment in Quebec regarding the validity of state-related asset seizures offers a fresh perspective from the province's highest court on the application of international arbitration principles within Canada's legal framework, further solidifying the country’s reputation as an enforcement-friendly jurisdiction.

No, Litigation Funders Are Not 'Fleeing' The District Of Del.

Recent articles published on Bloomberg Law and Law360 have suggested that third-party litigation finance providers are “fleeing” the District of Delaware because of Chief Judge Connolly’s standing order regarding third-party litigation funding arrangements. Contrary to this perception, responsible funders have no reason to fear disclosure, and have no problem with their identities being disclosed if the claimant chooses to do so.

Introducing Omni Bridgeway's Asset Monitoring and Enforcement Funding Arrangement

With more than 30 years of enforcement experience, Omni Bridgeway’s global team of multi-disciplinary professionals continue to seek out and develop bespoke solutions to reduce the risks and costs of enforcement for our clients throughout their dispute resolution journey. Omni Bridgeway‘s asset monitoring and enforcement funding solution was developed for clients who foresee enforcement risk and either wish to fund the merits phase themselves, or the uncertainties of their case mean that our investment criteria for the funding of the merits phase are not able to be satisfied.

The UK continues to be an effective enforcement hub. Recent UK Court of Appeal decision provides further useful clarification that state immunity does not preclude the enforcement of ICSID awards.

The recent UK Court of Appeal decision in Infrastructure Services Luxembourg S.à.r.l. & Anor v The Kingdom of Spain ([2024] EWCA Civ 1257) has significant implications for the enforcement of International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) arbitration awards in the United Kingdom. This ruling provides useful clarification on the relationship between state immunity defences and the UK's obligations under the ICSID Convention. In upholding the judgment on appeal, this ruling reinforces London's status as an arbitration and enforcement hub, in line with its position as a global financial centre.

The Rising Tide of Legal Disputes on Data Centre Projects: How Legal Finance Can Help

Modern data centres cover millions of square metres, house expensive computing equipment, and consume as much power as small cities. They are complex undertakings involving intricate contractual obligations and supply chain interdependencies spanning all industries and economic sectors. With significant financial stakes tied to construction delays, regulatory compliance, service level agreements, intellectual property rights and energy supply, disputes are becoming more frequent and costly. Litigation funding is the perfect tool to alleviate the financial pressures created by data centre disputes and improve the investment returns on these assets.

Corporate Litigation Finance: Answers To Some of Your Company’s Questions (Part 1)

Readers of our previous issues understand that litigation finance is a tool for the legal department to control spending and help contribute to the company’s bottom line. Indeed, companies with litigation portfolios are more frequently using litigation funding to manage budgetary pressures and mitigate litigation risk. Notwithstanding the growth in this market, the companies still exploring litigation finance have questions about how it works and whether it can advance their strategic interests. This two-part series will answer some of the most prevalent questions from corporate legal departments that are considering litigation funding for their affirmative claims.



Omni Bridgeway expands IP team, welcomes Will Freeman

Omni Bridgeway is pleased to announce the company’s continued focus on financing disputes in the intellectual property (IP) space with the appointment of Will Freeman as Investment Manager and Legal Counsel.
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Omni Bridgeway leads the litigation funding industry with the most recognitions in Chambers 2024

Omni Bridgeway is proud to be the leading litigation funder in the Chambers 2024 Litigation Support Guide with the most recognitions overall, and the most Band 1 rankings across the globe. Thank you to our clients and peers for your endorsement and continued support!
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Ruth Stackpool-Moore appointed to the role of Portfolio Manager – Global International Arbitration

Omni Bridgeway is delighted to announce the appointment of Ruth Stackpool-Moore as Portfolio Manager - Global International Arbitration, Senior Investment Manager.
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Omni Bridgeway announces US$485m first close of Funds 4 and 5 Series II capital raising

Omni Bridgeway is pleased to announce the first close of capital raising for the second series of its core funds, Fund 4 and Fund 5. The company anticipates further closings over the next 12 months to build up to the capped size of US$1bn across both funds and Omni Bridgeway will continue to be a 20% co-investor. This further capital raising will be aimed at broadening our private capital investor base.
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Omni Bridgeway completes innovative secondary market transaction involving an IP portfolio

Omni Bridgeway is pleased to announce the sale of a 25% interest in a portfolio of 15 intellectual property (IP) investments in the company’s Fund 4 to an affiliate of GLS Capital Partners for an initial amount of US$21.5 million, representing a multiple on invested capital (MOIC) of 2.0x of the apportioned aggregated deployments to date across over US$100 million in total committed capital in the investments.
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Omni Bridgeway more than doubles the size of its London investment team

Omni Bridgeway is pleased to announce a substantial expansion of its operations in the UK with the addition of six individuals in London, bringing the total team to 11. All the new hires have significant experience in legal finance.
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Omni Bridgeway leads the litigation funding industry with the most recognitions in Chambers 2023

Omni Bridgeway is proud to be the leading litigation funder in the Chambers 2023 Litigation Support Guide with the most recognitions overall, and the most Band 1 rankings across the globe. Thank you to our clients and peers for your endorsement and continued support!
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Omni Bridgeway announces U.S. legal industry leaders appointed to its Investment Committee

We welcome renowned legal industry professionals Leora Benami and the Hon. Winifred Smith (Ret.) to our Investment Committee. Their experience and insight will be invaluable to our investment process, ensuring we continue to set the benchmark for the highest standards in the industry.
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Omni Bridgeway launches in Italy, welcomes Giacomo Serra Zanetti

Omni Bridgeway is delighted to announce our expansion into Italy with a new Milan office and the addition of Giacomo Serra Zanetti as Investment Manager and Senior Legal Counsel. Giacomo will use his expertise in cross-border restructuring and insolvency transactions to develop strategic, non-recourse financing solutions for clients throughout Italy and around the globe.
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Omni Bridgeway continues US expansion with new operations in Miami and Chicago

We are continuing our US expansion with the addition of investment managers and office heads Maryanne Woo in Chicago and Lauren Alexander in Miami. Also joining in Miami is Enrique Molina as investment manager. With their experience in complex commercial litigation and local market expertise, we are thrilled to provide on-the-ground resources in two of the fastest growing legal markets in the country.
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Ansprüche eines Energieunternehmens gegen einen europäischen Staat – dank Prozessfinanzierung kann unser Kunde seinen Betrieb weiterführen

Wir finanzierten für ein Ölunternehmen mit Sitz in den USA ein Schiedsverfahren vor dem International Court of Arbitration (Internationales Schiedsgericht) der International Chamber of Commerce (ICC, Internationale Handelskammer).

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Rechtsstreit über Öl und Gas in Albanien; Vollstreckungen in zahlreichen Ländern

Wir finanzierten für ein Tochterunternehmen eines großen Öl- und Gas-Konzerns ein Vollstreckungsverfahren gegen die Regierung von Albanien vor einem Schiedsgericht der International Chamber of Commerce (ICC, Internationale Handelskammer) in Rom.

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Omni Bridgeway unterstützt Künstlerin mit Singapurs erster handelsrechtlicher Prozessfinanzierung

Omni Bridgeway finanziert einen Rechtsstreit, mit dem eine Künstlerin ihre Urheberrechte an Fotografien von Luxushotels feststellen lassen möchte. Dabei handelt es sich unseres Wissens um die erste handelsrechtliche Prozessfinanzierung in Singapur. In einem weiteren Verfahren vor den US-Gerichten fordert die Künstlerin außerdem Schadensersatz für Verstöße gegen ihr Urheberrecht, weil ihre Fotografien im Internet genutzt wurden.

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Ein Infrastrukturbauunternehmen wendet sich an Omni Bridgeway

Unser Kunde, ein Infrastrukturbauunternehmen, schloss mit einem afrikanischen Staat (über dessen Arbeitsministerium) eine Vereinbarung zur Sanierung einer Fahrbahn zwischen zwei Großstädten ab.

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Großer japanischer Händler treibt seine Forderungen gegenüber mexikanischem Stahlunternehmen AHMSA ein

Wir finanzierten einen Rechtsstreit mit einem Streitwert von 8,75 Mio. US-Dollar, in dem ein großer japanischer Händler gegen das mexikanische Stahlunternehmen Altos Hornos de Mexico S.A (AHMSA) klagte. Unser Kunde verlangte die Bezahlung von Walzenschleifausrüstung, nachdem AHMSA insolvent ging.

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Vollstreckung von Ansprüchen eines deutschen Bauunternehmens gegen einen ukrainischen Fußballclub in mehreren Ländern

Für einen deutschen Baukonzern vollstreckten wir dessen Ansprüche gegen einen ukrainischen Profifußballclub in mehreren Ländern.

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Beyond Hourly Podcast

Tune in now to Omni Bridgeway’s BEYOND HOURLY podcast to learn about advancements in legal services that drive economic value.

Episode 30

Thoughts and Perspectives from Ninth Circuit Court Judge Bea

Episode 29

Brazilian Arbitration Trends

Episode 28

A Peek Behind the Appellate Curtain

Episode 27

Impact de la pandémie sur les expertises en quantification de dommages.


Video Library

Prozessfinanzierung für Unternehmen

Prozessfinanzierung hilft Unternehmen, ihre rechtlichen Ansprüche ohne Kosten und Risiko durchzusetzen. Sie erschließt den monetären Wert von Streitigkeiten, Urteilen und Schiedssprüchen und entlastet die Unternehmensbilanzen von Rechtskosten.



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