Precedent Magazine: where innovation works

In December 2018, Precedent Magazine featured Bentham’s Toronto office in its newsletter:
The litigators at Bentham IMF’s Toronto office do not have traditional legal jobs. And so, it’s fitting that they do not work in a traditional law office. Instead, the open concept brick-and-beam space represents a different approach. “As soon as I walked in here I knew this would be a creative, innovative and fun place to work,” says Bentham lawyer Paul Rand.
Rand recently left Blakes, Cassels & Graydon LLP to join the growing team of top-notch lawyers bringing innovation to the Canadian legal landscape. As a global leader in litigation funding, Bentham provides funding for legal fees, disbursements and costs awards, to enable clients to pursue meritorious commercial litigation.
Their hard work is paying off, as sophisticated clients increasingly consider funding to control cost and risk. “There is growing interest and excitement about how funding can help lawyers and clients achieve their goals together,” says Rand. “The office reflects that energy.”