Omni Bridgeway authors litigation funding guide for Canada

In 2016, Omni Bridgeway was the first global litigation funder to set up operations in Canada. Since that time the industry has grown considerably, and we now have a team of ten investment managers working with clients on-the-ground in Montreal and Toronto. Omni Bridgeway’s growth in Canada, and around the world, aligns with increasing acceptance in the courts and increasing appetite for legal finance from sophisticated users of legal services.
Canadian courts have demonstrated comfort with legal finance, finding that it mitigates risk while enabling clients to pursue the “pot of gold” at the end of the rainbow. Corporate Canada is increasingly interested in creative ways to limit their legal spend, while ensuring they can retain top counsel and vindicate rights where appropriate.
For an in-depth overview of litigation funding in this jurisdiction, Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer of Canada, Paul Rand, and Investment Manager and Legal Counsel, Naomi Loewith, go over the following topics, and more, in this Mondaq Comparative Guide.:
- The jurisprudence addressing litigation finance in Canada;
- Common funding arrangement structures;
- The ethical considerations for counsel and clients to consider when using funding;
- The range of cases where dispute finance can be used, including commercial claims, class actions, international arbitration and intellectual property disputes; and
- How litigation finance compares to other risk-sharing models available to claimants and firms.
Read here for the full guide.
You can also learn more about legal finance here. And for information about how we can assist claimants in a variety of commercial disputes, visit our Company Insights or contact us for a consultation to discuss how we can help you and your clients unlock the value of meritorious claims.