Laura Maytom

Laura Maytom


Investment Manager

Laura Maytom is an Investment Manager based in Omni Bridgeway’s Sydney office, with responsibility for due diligence and management of funded cases.

Before joining Omni Bridgeway, Laura gained extensive commercial, management and legal experience in the commercial dispute resolution group at Norton Rose Fulbright. She has acted in commercial disputes in the Supreme Court, Federal Court and High Court of Australia, spanning a variety of industries including financial services, property, mining, hospitality, insurance, energy and transport.
Laura’s areas of expertise include commercial litigation, contractual disputes, company law and Corporations Act, large-scale litigation and appellate matters.
Laura managed Omni Bridgeway’s investment in high-profile cases against the Australian Government for claimants seeking redress for environmental contamination from PFAS chemical contamination of water supplies. She also jointly managed Omni Bridgeway’s investments in claims to recover GST paid by buyers to developers of certain new residential units in the Australian Capital Territory.
Laura holds degrees in Economics and Law from Newcastle University, Australia.
  • Author. Directors duties and climate change risk. IMF Bentham Blog. 24 October 2017.
  • Author. Senior Associates: 4 ways litigation funding can help build your profile. IMF Bentham Blog. 18 May 2017.


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