Michiel Jenniskens

Michiel Jenniskens


Chief Financial Officer EMEA

Michiel Jenniskens is responsible for the integration of financial structures, alignment of processes and the Omni Bridgeway financial departments. 

Michiel jenniskens joined Omni Bridgeway as CFO and Partner in 2008, where he contributed to a broad range of financial structuring. Michiel was pivotal in facilitating the merger between Omni Bridgeway and IMF Bentham in November 2019 and contributes to the integration of the financial structures and alignment of processes between the Omni Bridgeway financial departments. Prior to joining Omni Bridgeway, he was CFO of a multinational logistics company based in Eastern Europe, following its acquisition by Bencis Capital Partners. He has held several management positions within TNT N.V. including finance director of the Parcel division.

Michiel is a Dutch national and holds a Master in Economics and a Master in Philosophy (Ethics) from Groningen University. He is an International Executive Master of Finance and Control (iEMFC)


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