Weltweit führend im Bereich der Prozessfinanzierung und des Aufspürens und Wiedererlangens von Vermögenswerten

Omni Bridgeway finanziert Prozesse und unterstützt bei der Durchsetzung von Ansprüchen. Wir begleiten unsere Kunden vom Verfahrensbeginn bis zur Vollstreckung und sind weltweit für sie vor Ort.

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Erfolgreiche Prozesse erfordern Fachwissen, Einsatz und Geschick. Unser Team bietet all diese Erfolgsfaktoren, um Ihre Ansprüche effizient zu realisieren. Wir sind einfallsreicher und zuverlässiger Partner für Einzelkläger, Unternehmen, Anwälte und Berater, die strategische Finanzlösungen suchen.


Prozessfinanzierung up to date

Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden über die neuesten Entwicklungen im Bereich der Prozessfinanzierung.

Quebec Court of Appeal Clarifies Path for Enforcement Against Foreign State: India’s Immunity Rejected and IATA Seizure Reinstated

A significant recent judgment in Quebec regarding the validity of state-related asset seizures offers a fresh perspective from the province's highest court on the application of international arbitration principles within Canada's legal framework, further solidifying the country’s reputation as an enforcement-friendly jurisdiction.

No, Litigation Funders Are Not 'Fleeing' The District Of Del.

Recent articles published on Bloomberg Law and Law360 have suggested that third-party litigation finance providers are “fleeing” the District of Delaware because of Chief Judge Connolly’s standing order regarding third-party litigation funding arrangements. Contrary to this perception, responsible funders have no reason to fear disclosure, and have no problem with their identities being disclosed if the claimant chooses to do so.

Introducing Omni Bridgeway's Asset Monitoring and Enforcement Funding Arrangement

With more than 30 years of enforcement experience, Omni Bridgeway’s global team of multi-disciplinary professionals continue to seek out and develop bespoke solutions to reduce the risks and costs of enforcement for our clients throughout their dispute resolution journey. Omni Bridgeway‘s asset monitoring and enforcement funding solution was developed for clients who foresee enforcement risk and either wish to fund the merits phase themselves, or the uncertainties of their case mean that our investment criteria for the funding of the merits phase are not able to be satisfied.