Talking the talk: Omni Bridgeway participates in PLI Studio Briefings to discuss how litigation finance is applied in specialty legal practices

Litigation finance has experienced a meteoric rise in the US legal market over the past decade and what once was a whisper in the halls of law firms and companies about a new way to finance litigation is now an accepted avenue of financing that is used by a growing number of attorneys, law firms, and companies. As a leader of the industry in the US, Omni Bridgeway is experienced with how funding can be used in various legal practice areas and industries and shares its expertise with other panelists in the following CLE accredited, PLI Studio Briefings.
- Key Litigation Finance Strategies for Patent Practitioners:
In this Studio Briefing, James Batson and Sarah Tsou of Omni Bridgeway, along
with DJ Healey of Fish and Richardson, explain how funding can be used in meritorious
patent proceedings to help a claimant withstand the high costs associated with bringing a lawsuit. Also discussed are scenarios that showcase how clients have utilized funding as well as the factors that funders keep an eye out for when looking
to invest in a case.
- Using Arbitration Funding to Finance Cross-Border Disputes:
Dispute finance is increasingly being used in cross-border disputes to finance international commercial arbitrations and investment treaty arbitrations. In this particular Studio Briefing, we hear from James Batson and Dana MacGrath of Omni Bridgeway and Floriane Lavaud of Debevoise & Plimpton LLP as they discuss: how funding works in this space, various scenarios in which arbitration financing can be used, and legislation surrounding funding in
various jurisdictions around the globe.
- Litigation Funding in Bankruptcy - Understanding its Applications:
In the face of uncertain economic times as a result of the global pandemic, understanding how litigation funding works in bankruptcy matters can be key to a company’s survival. During this Studio Briefing, Ken Epstein of Omni Bridgeway, Leah Eisenberg of Foley & Lardner LLP, and Regina Lee of AlixPartners LLP discuss how dispute financing can be utilized in the bankruptcy context.
They touch on how debtors, creditors, trustees, and receivers can turn to funding for help to shoulder the legal and financial risk often faced by companies, bankruptcy estate representatives, and litigation trustees in insolvency proceedings.
This all-star group also engages in a thoughtful discussion about the ethical concerns related to bankruptcy funding.
- How Lawyers, Financial Advisors and Investment Bankers Can Use Litigation Finance to Drive Client Value: Litigation finance can be utilized as more than a means of getting a single case through trial
and its use has evolved into benefitting not only lawyers, but financial advisors and investment bankers as well. In this Studio Briefing, Ken Epstein, Katherine R. Catanese of Foley & Lardner LLP, and John Singh of PJT Partners cover a range of topics as it relates to how funding has been used by insolvent companies, how it’s applied in M&A deals, and how it can help when companies are in financial distress. Among the topics discussed are
the basic practices involved when using financing, the timing of involving a funder as an option for corporate clients, and key ethical and legal issues.
To learn more about how dispute finance can help your company or law firm, visit our Company Insights. While there, explore our recent podcasts, blog posts, and videos. Or contact us for a consultation to learn more about the ways we can help you pursue meritorious claims.