IMF Bentham / UNSW Class Actions Conference 2018

Key issues in class action litigation were debated at an important conference presented under the auspices of the IMF Bentham Class Actions Research Initiative with UNSW Law. Watch the videos from the event.
Panel Chair: Mr Clive Bowman Chief Executive - Australia & Asia, IMF Bentham
Panel members: The Hon Justice Michael Lee (Federal Court of Australia); Ms Liz Harris (Costs Expert); Ms Rachel Doyle SC (Barrister); Mr Jonathan O’Riordan (Claims Recovery Manager)
Video 1: Welcome Address by Mr Matthew Kennedy, Investment Manager, IMF Bentham
Video 2: Conference Keynote Address by the Hon Sir Rupert Jackson QC, former Lord Justice of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales
Introduced by Mr Andrew Saker, CEO and Managing Director, IMF Bentham. The Hon Sir Rupert Jackson QC discusses costs management in the UK and potential applications in AustraliaVideo 3: CARI research “Finality and Fairness” presentation by Professor Michael Legg University of NSW.
Introduced by Ms Kristen Smith, Investment Manager, IMF Bentham. Cutting edge research on finality and fairness in class actions including divergent judgments in class actions, implications and recommendations. Presented by Professor Michael Legg (UNSW Law) at the IMF Bentham / UNSW Class Action Conference.Video 4: Panel discussion “Cost Management in Class Actions"
Legal and commercial experts came together to explore cost management in class actions and address questions from the audience. Panel experts included:Panel Chair: Mr Clive Bowman Chief Executive - Australia & Asia, IMF Bentham
Panel members: The Hon Justice Michael Lee (Federal Court of Australia); Ms Liz Harris (Costs Expert); Ms Rachel Doyle SC (Barrister); Mr Jonathan O’Riordan (Claims Recovery Manager)