Bentham NY and Bentham Europe Team Up to Educate Law Students about Litigation Funding

Jim Batson is an Investment Manager with Bentham’s NY office.

Ianika Tzankova is General Counsel and responsible for the Netherlands office of Bentham Europe.
Jim Batson from Bentham IMF’s New York office and Ianika Tzankova of Bentham Europe’s Netherlands office teamed up on Monday April 6, 2015 via Skype to educate law students in Professor Manuel Gomez’s Complex Litigation class at the Florida International University School of Law (“FIU College of Law”) about alternative litigation finance. Prof. Gomez regularly teaches courses on Complex Litigation, International Arbitration, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Law and Society, and Introduction to International and Comparative Law, with emphasis on Latin America. His class was an ideal setting to introduce and discuss the benefits of litigation finance in the global arena.