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The Evolutionary War: Overcoming the ABA’s Inertia and Closing the Justice Gap

In this op-ed, Ken Epstein discusses ABA Resolution 402 - where the ABA reaffirmed its existing policy against non-lawyers sharing legal fees and owning equity in law firms - and provides reasoning for a reconsideration of this policy as a way to broaden access to financial resources for individual claimants, law firms, and corporations facing an increasingly costly legal system.

Global portfolio manager for IP, Sarah Tsou, discusses preserving value when funding IP litigation

As the popularity of IP litigation funding continues to rise, law firms and in-house counsel need to develop a thorough understanding of how funders evaluate potential investments. Sarah Tsou, Portfolio Manager – Global IP at Omni Bridgeway, chimes in with her significant IP expertise on this and other issues in Managing IP’s recent article, “How to stop a funded IP case from Falling Apart.”

A Primer on U.S. Defense-Side Litigation Finance

Learn how your firm or company can shift its financial and litigation risk using defense financing. Omni Bridgeway’s Jason Levine explains key aspects of defense-side funding agreements, the potential benefits, and the elements that distinguish defense financing from the more common plaintiff-side transactions.

How dispute funding can play a vital role in Latin America’s cross-border insolvency cases

What role might dispute funding play in complex cross-border insolvency matters involving multiple Latin American jurisdictions? For a recent virtual seminar, INSOL International asked Omni Bridgway’s Tim DeSieno to moderate a panel discussion exploring that very issue with Henrique Forssell of Duarte Forssell, Enrique González of González Calvillo, and Nyana Abreu Miller of Sequor Law. Our latest blog summarizes their informative and insightful conversation.

The role of litigation finance in antitrust lawsuits

Antitrust lawsuits are distinctive in their complexity, duration, cost, and potential damages. They also require expensive specialized counsel and expert testimony. This is true not only for class actions and multidistrict litigation, but also for single-plaintiff cases involving restraint of trade, price-fixing, monopolization, unfair competition, and other related claims. These singular attributes of antitrust cases make them an excellent fit for litigation finance.

Why insurers are learning to favour dispute funding

In a recent webinar exploring the use of dispute funding in insurance-related cases, a significant change in attitudes is underway according to a panel of seasoned lawyers and litigation funders. Insurers, they said, are discovering funding’s effectiveness as a tool for financing their subrogated recovery claims.

The High Court expands the scope and purpose of s596A of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) – who can conduct a public examination

The High Court of Australia (HCA), in a majority decision, has held that the pursuit of a claim for the benefit of some shareholders may be as valid as a claim made for all shareholders. In each situation, the claim in respect of corporate misfeasance is in the public interest because it seeks to enforce the law and protect shareholders and creditors alike.

Covid-19 is *still* here. How can funding help?

There are three things that businesses and their legal advisors should be thinking about as we trudge through COVID such as limitation periods, attractive corporate opportunities and contractual commitments cannot be avoided.

Need to top up your CPD points before year-end?

Although jurisdictions vary in their date for CPD (continuing professional development) year-end, the universal experience seems to be that the CPD year-end approaches quickly! Omni Bridgeway has a suite of complimentary options to help you earn CPD points in practice management while learning how dispute finance can mitigate cost and risk for your business or clients.