Navigating the road to recovery in IP cases with litigation finance

Patent and other IP claims can be extremely valuable assets, but the path to recovery can be long and perilous. In these uncertain times, the importance of such claims as well as the risks involved in pursuing them are only magnified. Litigation finance can help claimants mitigate these risks and unlock the potentially tremendous value of their most important IP.
Sarah Tsou, an Investment Manager and Legal Counsel with Omni Bridgeway, discusses these timely issues and many more during a guest appearance on the podcast Clause 8, The Voice of IP with Eli Mazour of Harrity & Harrity, LLP. In this particular episode, Sarah and Eli cover a wide range of topics, including:
- How Sarah’s prior experiences and practice as a patent litigation partner at Kirkland & Ellis LLP led her to litigation finance and Omni Bridgeway
- The perfect combination of merits, economics, and risk-sharing litigation funders look for when selecting patent cases for investment
- How litigation finance can help in-house corporate counsel diligence and pursue their most valuable cases without compromising their litigation budgets
- Much more!
Click here to listen to this episode of Clause 8, Episode 19.
For more information on how about how litigation finance can benefit patent cases, take a look at some of Sarah’s other podcasts and blog posts:
- Interview with Omni Bridgeway IP Funding Specialist, Sarah Tsou
- Do operating companies have a better shot at IP litigation funding? The answer may surprise you.
- Leaving money on the table: The costs colleges and universities bear from under-utilizing patent portfolios
- Discussion with Quinn Emanuel partner, Steve Cherny (Part One); and (Part Two)