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Hamilton Reserve Bank v. Sri Lanka: Even Better for Sovereigns Than an International Bankruptcy Regime?

One of the significant risks that creditors weigh when deciding whether to lend money is bankruptcy risk: can the borrower use the bankruptcy laws to discharge the debt or compel the creditor to accept less than it bargained for? In the sovereign debt market, it has been an article of faith for creditors that states cannot file for bankruptcy and obtain such relief. But a recent ruling from the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York—Hamilton Reserve Bank v. Sri Lanka—may cause creditors to question that faith, with uncertain consequences for sovereign creditors and borrowers alike.

Court of Appeal affirms Omni Bridgeway cost undertaking was good security for Singapore litigation proceedings

The Singapore Court of Appeal has upheld a decision by the Singapore High Court that a costs undertaking given by Omni Bridgeway was an adequate form of security for costs. The High Court decision was the first time a Singapore court has permitted a litigation funder to provide a costs undertaking as security. The Court of Appeal’s endorsement of the decision is another example of the Singapore judiciary’s continuing acceptance of third party dispute finance for court proceedings.

Omni Bridgeway authors litigation funding guide for Canada

Paul Rand and Naomi Loewith partner with Mondaq’s Comparative Guide to provide an overview of litigation funding in Canada, including the current legal framework, how it compares to other risk-sharing models available to claimants and firms, ethical considerations and much more. Read the full chapter here.