
Australian combustible cladding class actions – important information regarding Omni Bridgeway’s online registration for building owners, bodies corporate and public bodies

Building owners, bodies corporate and public bodies of properties in Australia who believe their buildings may be affected by combustible cladding will find important information on Omni Bridgeway’s Australian Combustible Cladding Class Actions webpage. The webpage contains Notices for likely class members that have been approved by the Federal Court of Australia and full details of the online registration process.

Omni Bridgeway celebrates its one year merger-versary

We look ahead on our one-year merger-versary excited to expand geographically, introduce new funding solutions to the market and pursue strategic priorities to increase deal flow, grow our funds under management and achieve operational excellence.

No more tyranny of distance in a virtual world – international arbitration in Australia

Omni Bridgeway was delighted to participate in a successful and stimulating Australian Arbitration Week (AAW2020), held in mid-October 2020. Given the current COVID-19 restrictions, AAW2020 was offered virtually and open to registrants from around the globe. It included speakers from Australia and abroad, including Omni Bridgeway arbitration specialists located in Australia, Asia and the US.

Singapore introduces further express legislation facilitating funding

New insolvency and restructuring laws in Singapore will make it easier for liquidators and judicial managers to obtain dispute funding in a broader range of insolvency related claims. The new laws were not drafted with the effects of a pandemic in mind but are timely and should provide valuable assistance in some circumstances.