Help your insurance industry clients afford to bring subrogation and reinsurance claims and see them through to their optimal outcome. Litigation funding provides the budget predictability companies need to proceed with pursuing meritorious claims.
Omni Bridgeway supports the introduction of a licensing regime for litigation funders operating in Australia that includes minimum onshore capital adequacy requirements. This would increase confidence in the Australian class actions system and benefit all parties – class members, defendants and the courts.
The role of litigation funders in the Australian class action system is currently under assault from a number of vocal pro-business advocates. Their motive is clear: remove the funders and you remove class actions against large companies.
Dear ABA, the new Best Practices for Third-Party Litigation Funding guide falls short on ethical guidance for lawyers. We give some practical insight for consideration.
Omni Bridgeway is delighted to welcome renowned leader in emerging markets debt restructuring, Tim DeSieno as its new Global Director of Distressed Debt and Senior Investment Manager.